Category Archives: Re-minders

Tests? Assignments? Class Projects.

the deadlines are here.

GarageBand Training on Monday @ Preview Theater

Ok Ms Mel called to remind you guys about the Garageband Training on Monday, 20 Aug from 1pm – 3pm at Preview Theater. Conducted by Apple@FMS.

She said that knowledge in GarageBand is important cos we will be using it for Film History next year. (Some topic about original scores)

Miss it at ur own risk.

Happy holidays


Filed under Re-minders

Happy B’day dude (& Other stuff)

Happy 17 Birthday Lyonn! Let’s have a minute of silence to commemorate this occasion.
Lyonn in Paris

A big good luck for tomorrow’s Interview Show aka The Chelmin Show. Please remember to sleep tonight cos tomorrow is D-Day. (Class is still at 8 am)
Dummy FM

SERENITY TOMORROW!!! Don’t worry folks, this movie is NOT suggested by Ms Mel NOR the year 2 german dude. Go watch it!

and YES there is storytelling class this friday. Pls remember to do your final draft by then.
Mr Ryan @ SGNewWave

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Filed under Ran-dom, Re-minders, Up-dates


People, I strongly recommend going for this week’s SgNewWave screening. They’re going to be screening Serenity. Here’s the poster.

Seriously, this is probably going to be the best movie screened so far at SgNewWave. It is one FRAK cool movie. Here’s the trailer.

I’m nominating this week’s SgNewWave screening to be a class outing. Also, it’s sort of a place for us to slack after thursday’s Interview show. So please, I will personally drag all of you there to watch this. Because it is seriously worth it. gave it 8/10

Rotten tomatoes gave it 81%

IGN gave it 9/10

And the accolades go on. It really is worth it.

OH. And be prepared for some fuck-tastic sound. I want to blast this movie because everything sounds so fucking great. Think transformers sound quality.


Filed under Ow-tings, Re-minders

.the interview show

Okay people. It’s Michael here. This is going to be quite a long post, but it is important, so bear with me. Basically, I need to update you all on what’s going on for the interview show as I know a lot of you are very confused. It’s a long post, and you’ll most likely need to refer to certain things later on, so I’ll be creating links for the different sections for you to refer back.

> Roles
> Show structure
> Rehearsal Schedule
> Filming Schedule
> Commercials

First and foremost, I need you all to clear your schedule for this tuesday. To be very blunt, I don’t really care what you have on that day, all I know is that you need to clear it. We’ve managed to secure the studio for the whole day, and we’ll be using that day to rehearse for the actual interview show.

Initally, the interview show was going to be shot a fortnight from now, on the 26th of July. However, our guest, Vincent Li, is going to be attending his re-service during that week. We can’t push the shoot back, so we had to being it forward by a week to the 19th of July. That’s next week’s thursday.

As you all would know, the problem with that is there is no time for us to rehearse our show as this thursday has been dedicated to the skill test. Thus, Tuesday is our replacement rehearsal date.

Also, after much delibration, me and lyonn have shifted around some roles to better suit each individual. It’s more or less the same list from 2 months back, but with a few minor modifcations. In no particular order:


Director – Lyonn
Producer – Michael
Assistant Director – Dhuha
Personal assistant to Mr. Vincent Li – Diana

Me and Lyonn both agreed that Vincent requires a liason when he arrives at Ngee Ann Poly, someone who will guide and prompt him while he is on set. Furthurmore, you act as a second Assistant Director inside the studio, fine tuning the timing of the guest questions and reactions.
Vision Mixer – Adrian
CG – James
Teleprompter – Ying Ying

VCR – Ian
We’re incorporating a projector on set into the show, basically it will display a detailed presentation and other DVPs on screen. Thus the VCR man’s role has been expanded to include those additions and is critical to the show’s success.
Audio technician – Kelvin
Audio technician assistant – Michael

Why two audio technicians? Our plan is to patch two macs into the audio board to add sound effects and music to the show without the need of the CD player. This allows us to have more control over how the show develops.
Lighting – Jonathan
Usually this is a preproduction role, but as part of the show’s “look”, we have decided to include different lighting plans for certain segments of the show. The light technician needs to be able to adjust the lights quickly and efficently during the show itself.
Floor Manager – Jennifer
Camera 1 – Jacquline
Camera 2 – Vanessa
Camera 3 – Ahmad

Those are the roles, they are still open to changes, however, I would appreciate if these could be treated as the finalized roles.

Next, how the show will pan out.

Show Structure

30 Seconds of Colourbar, 1K Tone.
10 Seconds of Slate.
10 Seconds of Black.
50 seconds of DVP.

We decided on a DVP that makes the show more interesting to watch. The camera follows our host, Chelmine through her daily routine as she prepares for the show. Along the way, she mentions to the camera about the guest she’s meeting today, what he does, etc. It follows her to the vending machine as she gets coffee. It follows her up the lift. It follows her through the corridor to the studio. Where finally, she enters the studio with her coffee in hand, turns to Camera 2 and welcomes everyone to the show.

20 Seconds of Opening Credits.
I’ll upload a sample clip of what we’ll be using for the show, either tonight, or tomorrow.

1 minute 30 seconds of opening monologue.

A short segment where Chelmine cracks a few jokes, and introduces Vincent a bit more in depth.

30 seconds DVP.

Lights dim. Vincent’s demo reel. It ends. Applause starts. Lights go up. Camera 2 dollies out from the projector screen, showing Vincent and Chelmine seated on set. Applause ends.

3 minutes Interview.

Asking selected questions.

1 minute of Commercials.

Refer to below.

1 minute 30 seconds of games.

To liven up the show, still deciding on a game. Suggestions welcomed.

30 seconds of closing.

Includes presentation of token of appreciation, kisses and goodbyes, plus credits.

Tuesday’s Rehearsal schedule

We have the studio from 10-4 and have the option of extending that even further. Hopefully, it won’t come to that.

10-11 – Knowing the class, most of us will be late, we’ll slack around, talk, chit-chat, etc. Start to build the set, arrange the lights, upload the CG.

11-12 – Continue building the set. Half the class will go shoot the commericals and DVPs.

12 – 1 – Take an hour’s break for lunch.

1 -2 Continue filming of commericals and DVPs

2 – 2.30 Begin dry runs and wet walks for the show.

2.30-3 – Half dress rehearsal with host

3-4 – Full dress rehearsal with host

Hopefully we won’t need to drag the rehearsal longer, but in the off chance we need to, please keep your schedules clear for the night.

Thursday’s Filming schedule

8-9 – Assemble the set, arrange the lights, patch the audio, test the DVPs.

9-10.30 – Chill and prepare for shooting.

10.30 – Vincent arrives.

11 – Begin Shooting.


Michael isn’t about all work and no play. You should know that of me by now. We’re going to be shooting several commericals for the interview and demo show and they’re going to be fun, interesting commercials. We’re commissioning a professional camera for the day, and everyone will get to use it. So far, the few ideas tossed around are the godfather spoof, the mission impossible spoof, and ngee ann’s wifi is everywhere advert. You can go here to suggest ideas.

As of right now, I have nothing more to say, I will have to update this post with a few more details, and will most likely do it over the next few days to keep you all updated. Please watch this post, and the blog.


Filed under Re-minders, Up-dates


I thought i’d upload the IAC reflection -for those who havent done so.

Reflection Form

(ctrl + apple to download for noobs)

If i’m not mistaken, it’s due in either week 15/16.
but i could be wrong

It carries a weightage of 10% for this module.
It’d be a total waste of marks if you people didn’t fill it.

*face palms*

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Filed under Re-minders


we’re more than halfway through this semester, thought i’d just update the deadlines/dates and stuff for our classes.

this is: week 13


Portfolio:Week 16
Final Project: Week 17 (10th August)
Instructions.||.Evaluation Form

Quiz:Week 14 (everything after the colourwheel)

Contemporary Issues



Individual and the community

Presentation: Either Week 13 or 14
Reflections:Week 15/16

Introduction to film

Report (Ying Ying):Week 14
Podcast/Report (Dhuha): Week 14/15

Quiz:Week 16 (Editing&Sound)
Clip analysis:Week 17 (15%)



Submission of ‘best 6’/photo story (re-do): Week 15
Final Project (Presentation): Week 16 (3rd August)

Technical&Theory Test: Week 16 (30th July)


Storytelling Techniques

Draft 2: Week 13 (before 9am/latest 9.15am)
At least 4 critiques: Week 14 (monday)
Final Draft: Week 14

Quiz:**Week 17


Studio Production

Demo&Interview Rehearsal: Week 14/15
Interview show:Week 14
Demo show:***Week 16


**This might be incorrect. It could be week 16.Do comment if incorrect.

***This might be incorrect.Do comment if incorrect.

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Filed under Re-minders