Category Archives: Ow-tings

Past/Present/Future class outings


People, I strongly recommend going for this week’s SgNewWave screening. They’re going to be screening Serenity. Here’s the poster.

Seriously, this is probably going to be the best movie screened so far at SgNewWave. It is one FRAK cool movie. Here’s the trailer.

I’m nominating this week’s SgNewWave screening to be a class outing. Also, it’s sort of a place for us to slack after thursday’s Interview show. So please, I will personally drag all of you there to watch this. Because it is seriously worth it. gave it 8/10

Rotten tomatoes gave it 81%

IGN gave it 9/10

And the accolades go on. It really is worth it.

OH. And be prepared for some fuck-tastic sound. I want to blast this movie because everything sounds so fucking great. Think transformers sound quality.


Filed under Ow-tings, Re-minders

Alien robots

TRANSFORMERS is a frak cool film movie.
We should get a copy of the DVD as soon as it’s released and request it for SgNeWave,

Thanks to all the people who didn’t back out from watching it.
It’s damn cool to ‘bond’ as a class by watching all these kick-ass films movies.



*Release Date: 26th July 2007
Language: English
Rating: G
Genre: Animated / Comedy

…anyone game?

[what’s with the **G rating anyway??!?!?! THE SIMPSONS is definitely NOT a family-friendly show…unless you’re some kind of sick twisted family]


p.s. i’ll be asking around for your b’dates and home contact number just to form a class list since no one seems to be taking the first step to do so….don’t get pissy on me aites

* From Yahoo.Sg-Movies
**Rating not confirmed …but that’s what i got off the site 😉


Filed under Ow-tings

Okay, fun’s over.

Haha. That was a good laugh. Decided to update and give the blog a good face lift. Anyway people, just thought I should post this up.


Tickets are booked. Row G. The Cathay. 4.10 PM. Thursday. 2007. People who WILL have to go.

Dhuha. Vanessa. Jennifer. Kelvin. James. Ian. Ahmad. And yours truly, Michael.

If by any chance anyone else wants to go, there should still be seats on the left and right of us. But for those above, you have no choice but to go. The tickets are in my wallet. And they’re not going anywhere but to the ticket stand guy at the entrance.



Filed under Ow-tings